Thursday, March 13, 2008

I still live

Man, am I one lazy-assed blogger.  Well, fuck it.  I've decided to set up a "professional" blog (i.e., one that I am not embarrassed or concerned to have associated with my name) on my official website.  I'm turning this into my official bitching blog.  Hola!  I spent the day in bed, feeling exhausted and under the weather.  Part of my general tired-all-the-time trend for the last year-plus.  Here's what's currently up for me:
- My paper in Science comes out in April.
- I haven't written any other papers since then, though I will be finishing one soon and submitting it to ConBio or a similar journal.
- We're moving to Seattle in the summer, since my hot-shot husband has been offered a tenure-track position there.
- Doing a bat training workshop in April in Nicaragua, with a Very Important Bat Biologist.  Hope we get along OK (both he and I have a reputation for being "difficult").
- More field work in Mexico in May and June, with people I know I get along with (out of the field, at least).

I am still hung up on my negative field experience last year, and hope to get over it someday.  In the meantime, I continue to scour my life for evidence that I am not a bad person.

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