Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Indeed. Not much of a productive weekend, sadly. I just haven't gotten it together. My appointment with our stats office helped me get my shit together -- I had 6 nights of data to enter still. But, as he played with his regressions, basically *no* vegetation or environmental variable had any effect, and somehow there's very little between-farm difference in capture rates, and it's making me kind of cranky. He always is trying to get me to do something other than ANOVAS but he doesn't understand that I looooove ANOVA. I understand it. I'm too old to learn new things.

Wow. This is turning out to be the most boring blog ever.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Turning the beat around... I hope!

Well, it is done -- I just submitted my manuscript to Science! And only a couple of days later than was my goal. And I've started working on the next publication, researching where I will send it. And I sent off three job applications (for jobs I don't really want, at least not right now.) I made a yummy pot roast last night, although my husband and I washed it down with too much wine, leaving me low energy today. I really need to change my publishing history. It's terrible. I've had this problem for years; I just had no good advice, and while I love to start projects and write grants, writing up the end results is just soooo booooring. Also, I have problems dealing with the criticism. Of course, the biggest problem is that my research hasn't been as engrossing.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

My first post

Dear anonymous internet friend,

Welcome to my blog. I'm setting this up as a space to reflect on my academic experience. I am a postdoc at a major midwestern university (perhaps one day I shall reveal the details). I am studying bats in coffee plantations, trying to make up for my lackluster education in primatology. I want to be a "real" ecologist when I grow up! I've just finished the first year of my postdoc. My resolution for the second year? Publish, publish, publish!!! I'm submitting a manuscript to Science later this week, although the unfortunate need to prepare job applications has delayed my work until later this week. I really love my postdoc and my lab, and I can extend my postdoc for a third year. But, my husband is going on the market this year, so I'm applying for some jobs near where he's applying for jobs. I can't decide if I'm a catch or a fraud. Oy oy oy...